Priročnik za učitelje k učbeniku GREMO NAPREJ

Priročnik za učitelje
Authors: Ivana Petric Lasnik, Nataša Pirih Svetina, Andreja Ponikvar
The teacher’s handbook to Gremo naprej is intended for teachers of Slovene as a Second or Foreign Language using the course book and CD of the same name.
The introduction provides general guidelines for working with the course book and offers a range of suggestions for developing different linguistic competences through the use of exercises in the main body and grammar section of the book. The central part of the handbook guides the teacher through each chapter, exercise to exercise, providing numerous ideas for working with exercises in class and for expanding and further developing materials. The final section of the handbook, entitled Gradivo za fotokopiranje, includes a collection of additional exercises thematically linked to the chapters in the course book. Those exercises are intended for revising vocabulary and grammar. In this section you will also find illustrations and pictorial material from the textbook that can be used for numerous supplementary exercises (e.g. oral classes, describing pictures etc.).
See also:
Teachers’ books: