Kreativni natečaj | Creative Competition

Zmagovalki | Winners:

1. nagrada | 1st Prize: Anna Giang


2. nagrada | 2nd Prize: Runrun Ji

Jeziki naj bi bili vrata do sporazumevanja, a beseda “TIHO” ta vrata nekako zaklene. Pravzaprav imajo vsi jeziki določeno besedo, s katero lahko drugim odvzamejo pravico do govora. Kar je žalostno. Naša družba veliko pozornosti namenja fizičnemu nasilju, verbalno nasilje pa zanemarja. S to sliko želim sebe in druge opomniti, da je treba jezik uporabljati v dobre namene, ne pa kot meč, ki lahko škoduje drugim. Jezik je vez med različnimi kulturami, državami in rasami. 

Languages are supposed to be the door to communication, but the word “TIHO”  somehow locks the door. Actually all languages have THE word to cut off other’s right to talk. It is sad. Our society has paid a lot attention to physical violence, but has neglected verbal violence somehow. This painting just wants to remind myself and others to make good use of language, rather than turning language into a sword to hurt others. Language is the bond between different cultures, countries and races.