Jezik pri delu – How to support work-related language learning for adult migrants
delavnica Evropskega centra za moderne jezike (ECML)





petek, 20. maja 2022
Language for employability  


The term ‘employability’ refers to the understandings, attitudes and skills that individuals need to gain and sustain paid work in today’s economy. This session will explore how you can create engaging, interactive, learning activities that develop learners’ employability, as well as their language skills.

Alexander Braddell,
Matilde Grünhage-Monetti
četrtek, 26. maja 2022
Enabling your learners  


This session addresses the key issue of how to help individuals become effective language learners. It explores practical ways to help low-level learners develop the attitudes and behaviours (including motivation!) that enable effective language learning.

Alexander Braddell,
Matilde Grünhage-Monetti
petek, 27. maja 2022
Creating an environment where language learning can flourish  


Research on the linguistic integration of adult migrants points clearly to the importance of extending responsibility for migrant language learning (particularly work-related language learning) well beyond the individual learner and their teacher. This session looks at what this means for you as a teacher, and invites you to consider how we might create a more supportive environment for your learners, inside and outside of the classroom.

Alexander Braddell,
Matilde Grünhage-Monetti

Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe programa.

  • Seminar bo potekal prek videokonference na platformi Zoom.
    Povezavo boste prejeli ob prijavi. 
  • Delovni jezik bo angleščina, razprava v manjših skupinah pa bo potekala tudi v slovenščini.
  • Udeležba je brezplačna. Število mest je omejeno.
  • Seminar je namenjen predvsem učiteljem, ki poučujejo na tečajih za brezposelne osebe, in organizatorjem tovrstnih tečajev.


Prijave so zaključene.

Prijave sprejemamo do 16. maja 2022 oz. do zapolnitve mest.