Frequently asked questions

  • Which level of exam should I take?

    Candidates are free to decide the level at which to take the exam. The level depends on why you need a Certificate of Slovene. If, for example, you need proof of knowledge of Slovene in order to obtain Slovene citizenship, the basic level is enough. If you need proof of knowledge of Slovene for other official purposes (e.g. for professional or study reasons), first find out from the relevant authority (e.g. the employer, the school) which level of competence they require from you.

  • Which level of the Common European Framework do exams correspond to?

    The exams are in line with the Common European Framework:

    Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
    Breakthrough level A1 Basic User: Breakthrough
    Basic level A2 Basic User: Waystage
    B1 Independent User: Threshold
    Intermediate level B2 Independent User: Vantage
    Advanced level C1 Proficient User: Effective Operational Proficiency
    C2 Proficient User: Mastery
  • When are the exams scheduled?

    Information about exam dates can be found here. Exam dates are scheduled one year in advance. There are four exam periods scheduled per year at the breakthrough and basic levels and two per year at the intermediate level and advanced level. All exams providers administer exams during the same week.

  • Can I take an exam outside the scheduled exam periods?

    Yes. If the scheduled exam dates are not suitable for you, you can make a request for an individual exam date. The price for an individual exam is higher and you can take it only at the Examination Centre. Examination centre does not administer individual exams at the Breaktrhrough Level (A1).
  • Where and how do I register for the exam?

    You can register for the breakthrough and basic level Slovene language exam at any of the institutions that provide the exam in the current year. You can find the list of exam providers here. You can register no later than ten (10) days before the announced examination date or on a date set by the exam provider; this is done at the institution where you would like to take the exam. For the intermediate level or the advanced level exam, you can register only at the Examination Centre.

    Register for the exam by filling out a registration form and paying the bill for the exam. Send the completed registration form by regular or electronic mail to the exam provider of your choice; you may also register in person. After you have registered, you will receive a bill. This must be paid no later than ten days before the exam. Before the exam you will receive by mail an invitation stating the precise details about the time and place of the exam.

    Only after you have paid for the exam are you registered for it. You do not need personal identification to register for the exam.

    Another person can register you for the exam, in accordance with the described procedure.

    You may only register with one exam provider during a single exam period.

  • Can I deregister from an exam?

    Yes. If you have registered for an exam and if you have already paid for the exam, but cannot attend it (for example, due to illness), you can deregister from the exam. You can do this in person, by phone, or by e-mail up to two working days before the exam date. In this case you will either be scheduled to take the exam during the next exam period (at the same institution), or you will receive 85% of the exam costs back. If you have deregistered from an exam, you may not register anew for an exam during the same exam period.

    If you withdraw from the exam without deregistering, you must register again to take an exam; payment in full is required. We therefore recommend that you deregister in time if you do not plan to take the exam.

  • How much does the exam cost, and when and where can I pay for it?

    The exam fee is set each year and is published in the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts’ schedule of fees. The fee is the same at all institutions that provide the exam.

    When you register for the exam the provider will issue a bill which you can pay at any bank or post office (also from abroad); this must be done at least ten days before your selected exam date. Send the exam provider proof of payment via e-mail or regular mail, or show it in person at least ten days prior to the exam date. Upon receipt of proof of payment the exam provider will send you an invitation to the exam.

    Candidates who have not paid for the exam or have not submitted proof of payment will not receive an invitation and will not be allowed to take the exam.

  • Is it possible to take the Slovene language exam free of charge?

    Yes, but only at the breakthrough and the basic level.

    Breakthrough level

    If you qualify under the Labour Market Regulation Act (article 8. a) you are entitled to take a Slovene language course and the breakthrough level (A1) exam free of charge. When registering fort he exam, you are required to submit a Certificate of Eligibility for a free first Slovene language exam at the breakthrough level issued by the Employment Service of Slovenia. The exam provider retains this Certificate.

    The costs of the examination are covered by the Employment Service of Slovenia.

    All levels

    Candidates eligible for a free first test of Slovenian language proficiency at the breakthrough, basic, intermediate or advanced level according to the Decree on Providing Assistance for the Integration of Foreigners Who Are Not EU Citizens (PISRS) (Ur. l. RS Nr. 27/24) must present the original Certificate of Fulfillment of Conditions for a Free First Test of Slovenian Language Proficiency or the Certificate of Fulfillment of Conditions for Participation in the Slovenian Language Learning Program and for a Free First Test of Slovenian Language Proficiency, obtained from the relevant administrative unit, when registering. The costs for the free first test of Slovenian proficiency are covered by The Government Office for the Support and Integration of Migrants and The European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) .

            More …

    A person with international protection who has signed an agreement on integration activities with the Government Office for the Support and Integration of Migrants of the Republic of Slovenia is issued a referral for a one-time free first attempt at the Slovenian language exam.

    The costs of the first free attempt at the Slovenian language exam are covered by the Government Office for the Support and Integration of Migrants of the Republic of Slovenia.

  • If I deregister from the exam, can I get my money back?

    If you deregister in time (no later than two days before the exam date), the exam provider will reschedule your exam for the next exam period. It is also possible to get a refund – 85% of the costs. This refund is to be arranged at the institution at which you are registered for the exam.

    If you have paid for the exam but not taken it and not deregistered in time, the institution at which you are registered will not refund your money. In the event of another registration for the exam you will be required to pay the entire fee once again.

  • When is the written exam and when is the oral exam?

    The exam dates are set for the entire calendar year. You can find information about them here. The written and the oral sections of the breakthrough and basic level exam are usually administered on the same day. After you register, your chosen institution will mail you an invitation containing information about the time and date of the exam.

  • What do I need to take the exam?

    You may take the exam only if you have registered for it (if you have filled out the registration form and paid for the exam). You must bring valid photo identification to the exam as proof of identity. You must write the exam only with an appropriate pen (not a pencil); everything else will be provided at the exam.

    If you take the advanced level exam, you will be using a Faculty of Arts computer.

  • What does the exam procedure look like?

    The Slovene exam takes place in different ways, depending on the individual level.

    The written and the oral sections of the breakthrough level exam are usually administered on the same day. You can get information on the basic level exam format at this link.

    The written and the oral sections of the basic level exam are usually administered on the same day. You can get information on the basic level exam format at this link.

    The written and oral sections of the intermediate level exam are usually administered on two days (one day oral and one day written section). You can get information on the intermediate level exam format at this link.

    The entire advanced level exam usually takes place on a single day. Candidates take the exam on computers (provided by the Examination Centre). You can obtain information on the advanced level format at this link.

    More information about how the exam takes place is available at this link.

  • Do I have to attend courses before taking the Slovene language exam?

    No. Anybody can register for the exam, regardless of whether or not they have previously attended a Slovene language course. Various educational institutions in Slovenia organize and administer various Slovene courses; among these are shorter and longer preparatory courses for the Slovene language exam. Usually one has to pay for these courses.

  • Did I pass the exam?

    Candidates often ask at the exam itself whether they have passed. The examiners do not give immediate information about results. The final grade is given when all of the examination sections have been marked and rated. All sections of the exam are reviewed a second time at the Examination Centre; the Centre issues the relevant documents on the basis of the results.

  • When will the exam results be made known?

    The exam results will be made known no later than 30 work days after the exam. Your examiners cannot give you information about your results. All sections of the exam are reviewed once again at the Examination Centre, which, on the basis of the results, issues the relevant documents.

  • In what form will I receive the results?

    The grade is descriptive (pass/fail). Candidates who have passed the exam will receive from the Examination Centre a Certificate of Slovene for the Breakthrough, Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced level. Along with the Certificate, you will receive an insert containing information about results in the individual sections of the exam.

    If the candidate did not pass the exam, the Examination Centre will send a statement of results.

    The Examination Centre will mail the documents to those candidates who took the exam at the Examination Centre. If the examination was administered by an external provider, that provider will deliver the documents (within 30 work days at the latest after the exam was taken).

    Though exam providers never give information about examination results by telephone, we can, at your request, send information via e-mail about whether or not you have passed.

  • Can someone else inquire about the results of my exam?

    Yes, but in keeping with the law on protecting personal data, that person requires your authorization; this authorization must be certified by a notary or an administrative unit. Another person can collect the documents about your results if they are authorized to do so.

  • What can I do if I lose my Certificate?

    If you have lost your Certificate, you can ask the Examination Centre to provide a duplicate Certificate. You must write a request on email [email protected] and submit a copy of your ID and your mailing address. There is an obligatory fee for issuing a duplicate Certificate (7,00 euros).

  • Can I see my examination paper after writing it?

    Yes. If you want to look at your examination, the Examination Centre can arrange an appointment and discussion with an expert staff member who will also explain why you received a particular grade on the exam. All examinations are retained for at least hall of a year after completion of the exam.

  • Can someone else see my examination material?

    Yes. You may view your examination material along with another person. In accordance with the law on protection of personal information, the other person can only view your exam if you are accompanying him/her or if that person has your authorization certified by a notary or an administrative unit.

  • In the event of a fail, can I re-take the exam?

    Yes. You can re-take the exam in the next exam period. The number of re-takes on regular exam periods is not limited. However, the re-taking of individual exams is only possible after two months from the last individual exam.

    We do not recommend that you take the exam in successive exam periods without having also prepared for the exam in the meantime.

  • Can I repeat only the section of the exam I failed?

    No, you may not repeat just one section of the exam. The exam can only be taken in its entirety.

  • How many candidates pass the exam?

    In 2024 the results were:
    – at the breakthrough level 82 % of candidates passed
    – at the basic level 77 % of candidates passed
    – at a intermediate level 46 % of the candidates passed
    – at the advanced level 43 % of the candidates passed.

    You can find more detailed information on this in the annual reports of the Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language.

  • What are the marking and rating criteria?

    The assessment standards or criteria are laid down in the Slovene as a Second and Foreign Language education programme.

  • What are my rights? Can I appeal?

    After receiving the exam results, candidates can look at their exam papers and discuss their answers; they will also receive an explanation about the grade awarded. Appointments for looking into the exam documentations must be arranged in advance.

    Candidates can appeal against the exam procedure (within eight days of the exam) or against the exam result (within eight days of having receiving the result). The appeal must be justified and written in Slovene. Address for appeals:

    Izpitni center Centra za slovenščino kot drugi in tuji jezik
    Pritožna komisija Izpitnega centra
    Trubarjeva cesta 3
    SI-1000 Ljubljana

    An example of a complaint.

    In the event of an appeal, the Appeals Commission for meets no later than 30 work days after having received an appeal. The Appeals Commission’s decision is final.

  • Do I know enough to take the exam?

    It is very difficult to say how much Slovene a person knows. The level of your Slovene will become evident only at the exam. The first indicator of whether the chosen level is appropriate for you – that is, too easy or too demanding – are the sample tests (for breakthrough levelfor basic level, for intermediate level and for advanced level) If you attempt the sample test under conditions matching those of the exam (e.g. in terms of time allowed and so on), your result will provide at least an approximate indication of whether or not you have chosen the appropriate level.

  • How do I study for the exam? Which textbook should I use to prepare?

    There is no particular textbook to help candidates prepare for the exam. You can, of course, attend any Slovene course you would like, study with any teacher, etc. We recommend that the very least you take the sample test (for breakthrough levelfor basic level, for intermediate level and for advanced level) before the exam. That way you will familiarize yourself with the exam as a whole and the entire exam situation, as well as with the types of questions included on the exam. You can check your results against the key. It is also helpful if before the exam you converse as much as possible in Slovene, read Slovene newspapers, and listen to the radio and watch TV in Slovene. This will certainly help you pass the exam.

  • What about people with special needs? What can be done by those who are hard of hearing, visually impaired…?

    Individuals with special needs can – on request and on providing a doctor’s confirmation and recommendation – arrange to have an adapted Slovene language exam. This means that they can have additional time to write, larger print on the exam, and so on. Each such situation is handled individually.

  • How is it with illiterate persons who are required to pass the exam?

    Breakthrough level

    Illiterate persons who are registered at the Employment Service of Slovenia are directed to take a special examination based on listening comprehension and speaking at the breakthrough level (A1). Whether or not a person is illiterate is determined by the Employment Service.

    A certificate received by a person who has successfully passed this type of exam is valid solely for the purposes of the Labour Market Regulation Act.

    Basic level

    Illiterate persons who are requesting Slovene citizenship and who are, as illiterate individuals, directed to take the Slovene language exam, take a special examination that is based on listening comprehension and speaking. Whether or not a person is illiterate is determined by the Ministry of the Interior.

    A Certificate received by a person who has successfully passed this type of exam is valid solely for the purposes of obtaining Slovene citizenship.

  • Can proof of attendance of a Slovene language course substitute for a Certificate of Slovene?

    No. Any certificate of attending any Slovene language course is an internal document issued by the course provider and it is not a publically recognized document; it cannot be used for official purposes.