Textbooks and other materials

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Mag. Mateja Lutar
Room 9
E: [email protected]     [email protected] 
T: +386 (0)1 241 86 49


E: [email protected]
T: +386 (0)1 241 11 19


Textbooks and Handbooks

  • Textbooks

    Beginner Level

    The course books for learning Slovene as a second or foreign language at the beginners and elementary level enable learners to reach levels A1 and A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. They have been designed in accordance with the latest didactic approaches and the practical experience of courseware authors. Some course books form a series and continue at the intermediate and advanced levels; they are supplemented by teachers’ books or interactive content.

    Intermediate Level

    The course books for learning Slovene as a second or foreign language at intermediate level allows learners to achieve levels B1 and B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. They incorporate the latest didactic approaches developed at the Centre, as well as the practical experience of courseware authors and teachers on courses and at Slovene lectureships abroad. Some course books and materials are a part of a series that includes elementary and advanced levels, and are supplemented by teachers’ books or interactive content.

    Advanced Level

    The course books for learning Slovene as a second or foreign language enable learners to reach levels C1 and C2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. They are the result of academic findings and contemporary didactic approaches, and written by experienced authors. In addition, they are supplemented by cultural content. Some course books and materials are part of a series that includes the elementary and intermediate levels.

    Teachers’ books and teaching materials

    Priročniki za učitelje ponujajo nasvete, kako čim bolje izkoristiti učbeniške vsebine, prinašajo tudi slikovno gradivo in dodatne vaje ter nasvete za realizacijo posameznih vsebin. Dostopni so brezplačno in v elektronski obliki. Različna učna gradiva so primerna kot dopolnitev k učbeniškim kompletom ali kot samostojna gradiva za poučevanje, popestritev ure ali ponovitev določenih slovničnih vsebin

    e- / i-materials

    Na področju e-/i-gradiv sledimo sodobnim založniškim trendom s pripravo dodatnih gradiv, ki so lahko dopolnitev obstoječim učnim gradivom ali samostojno gradivo za začetno učenje.

  • Materials


    To support the Seminar of Slovene Language, Literature and Culture there is a publication featuring articles on the selected theme. These present the ideas of the invited authors from a linguistic, literary or cultural-historic point of view.

    Symposium Obdobja

    The publication Obdobja includes academic articles by Slovene and foreign linguists, literary theorists and researchers in other humanities disciplines, reflecting on the theme selected for the international Obdobja Symposium.