World Festival of Slovene Documentary Films 2012
Od 26. novembra do 3. decembra 2012

The project in numbers
9 documentaries
99 subtitle tracks
21 languages
39 teachers of Slovene, organizing the festival at different universities, who have helped the students to translate the films
69 proof readers
260 translators – all students of Slovene at universities around the world
Plečnik : Fabiani (architecture, art), Toporišič – Samotni hodec skozi neprijazni čas (linguistics and science), Aleksandrinke(Slovene women working abroad), 20. stoletje Jurija Gustinčiča (journalism, politics), V letu hip-hopa (rap music), Mila, naša Mila – Z okusom po grenkem (theatre, literature); Ivana Kobilca – portret slikarke (art, painting), Spomini med koši – Ivo Daneu (sport) in Zadnji čoln – Presihajoče jezero (natural heritage, ethnology).
From 26 November to 3 December 2012, an important cultural and promotional project World Festival of Slovene Documentary Films will take place at more than 50 foreign universities where Slovene is taught or studied. 9 Slovene documentary films were translated into 21 different languages by 39 teachers of Slovene and their 260 students around the world. Slovene national television (RTV Slovenia) added subtitles in foreign languages to films and provided DVDs.
The teachers of Slovene at foreign universities together with Slovene Embassies are preparing many cultural events with Slovene documentaries in the following days, and with those the festival will reach a wide audience: in addition to students and teachers at foreign universities, also representatives of the Slovene community, Slovene organisations, and the media are warmly invited to participate. The project is organized by the programme Slovene at Foreign Universities at the Centre for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language, Department for Slovene Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.
About the project – DOC, PDF and JPG files
- Folder
- DVD Cover
- Aleksandrinke
- 20. stoletje Jurija Gustinčiča
- Fabiani : Plečnik
- Ivana Kobilca – Portret slikarke
- Mila, naša Mila – Z okusom po grenkem
- Presihajoče jezero – Zadnji čoln
- Spomini med koši – Ivo Daneu
- Toporišič – Samotni hodec skozi neprijazni čas
- V letu hip hopa