Bosnia and Hercegovina

Banja Luka

Slovene is an elective subject for students of the Faculty of Philology and an optional subject for students of other faculties of the University of Banja Luka.


Slovene language (4 ECTS) (2P, 2S) – compulsory elective course for M.A. students of the Department for Slavic Languages and Literatures (winter semester).

Slovene language (4 ECTS) (2P, 2S) – elective course for M.A. students of the Faculty of Arts (winter and summer semester).

Slovene language for students of the University of Sarajevo, and other students of the Faculty of Arts I. (2P, 2S) – elective course (winter and summer semester).

Slovene language for  students of the University of Sarajevo, and other students of the Faculty of Arts II. (2P, 1S) – elective course (winter and summer semester).