Optional courses at beginner and intermediate level for students of Slavic languages and other programmes, postgraduate students and external participants. For external students and students of “Langues et littératures modernes” programme there are two Slovene courses available within the framework of the Masters 1 (MA1): Langue slovène 1 (5 ECTS) and lecture Littérature slovène 1 (5 ECTS), and in Master 2 (MA2) students can opt for Langue slovène 2 (5 ECTS) and Littérature slovène 2 (5 ECTS). Within the framework of the Bachelors 2 (BA2) and Bachelors 3 (BA3) external students and students of all programmes except students of “Langues at littératures modernes” can opt for Slovène 1 (5 ECTS) in BA2 and for Slovène 2 (5 ECTS) in BA3.
Slovene is one of the compulsory elective languages for the students of East European Languages and Cultures programme. Students can choose Sloveens I (10 ECTS) in the second semester of their BA1 and continue with the courses Sloveens II – Sloveens IV (6 ECTS each) until the last year of their undergraduate programme. At Masters level, they can follow the courses Sloveens V en Sloveens VI (5 ECTS each). Slovene language courses are also available for all the students at the University of Ghent (within their free choice limit) and external participants.